Does CyberBullying just affect kids?
Some people seem to be under the illusion that CyberBullying is a type of behaviour, which is directed towards children and young people. It is true that CyberBullying prominently affects children but more and more cases of CyberBullying are extending beyond children and into the workplace, schools, sports clubs, the home and particularly affects those in the public eye.
According to this years Virtual Violence Report II, (Nominet and Commissioned by NAHT) at least 10% of teachers have reported being harassed or abused online.
CyberBullying is not just a teenage problem; many adults have now started to become victims of negative, abusive or threatening online behaviour, with much of it taking place in well-known chatrooms and social networking websites. This form of bullying or abuse in adults can range from snide comments to personal attacks and can even extend beyond the victim to harassing their family and friends.
Bullying of any type of wrong but when it takes place online many feel powerless to stop it and just as with children, coping with this experience can result in serious and profound outcomes for the victims mental and physical health.
So the next time you’re posting content online, liking a status, commenting on a photo lets think about the lasting effect it can have on others around us.
Cyber Bullying affecting lives of people for further information on programs avaiable to address issues relating to CyberBullying please Click Here
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