Self-Destructing Messages in IOS8
I’m a massive fan of Apple. I’ve got the MacBook, the iPhone and the iPad.
For me their device’s have always served me well – their intuitive processes never cease to amaze me. Let’s face it – everything they do within their technological advancements leaves many users in awe. And I’m no different.
Each year, just like Christmas, their annual developers conference rolls around and I can’t help but feel like a child on Christmas morning, waiting to see what I’m going to get from the mighty Apple.
But the outcome of this year’s developers conference was a little different for me – although Apple are going to release a ton of new stuff which will make their users experience better there was one element I felt a little uneasy about.
Apple Messages, which is the most used app on IOS is getting a massive overhaul in IOS8. Now in theory I have no problem with them introducing audio and video chat – something which their competitors, such as WhatsApp, have been offering for a while. But they have decided to take it One Step Further and here is where I start to feel a little anxious – with their plan to introduce self-destructing messages (a la SnapChat) if you will.
We’ve seen all too well how Self-Destructing Message Apps don’t actually self-destruct or indeed delete, they can still be found kicking around and coming back to haunt the users who sent them.
This I feel, is an element that Apple really doesn’t need to introduce or get involved with just yet. I am a massive Fan and will remain one – but this new feature is something, that I for one don’t need on the next IOS update and I hope Apple rethink their plan to include Self-Destructing Messages on their next update in light of the potential dangers associated with mis-use, particularly to younger users that can come with this feature.
So it’s a feature in IOS8 of to be aware of…
Posted By Wayne Denner
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