Social Media and the Long Term Relationship
Recently I did a quick audit on the pages which I liked on Facebook over the past number of months and was surprised with some of my findings. Many of the pages which I had in-fact ‘Liked’ I had done, without really much care; liking them just for the sake of liking a page or perhaps because someone had sent me an invite to do so. I suspect this has been the case for many of us. What was even more interesting was the messages which these business page owners have been sending out to me, their potential consumer. Mostly the same old sales messages which had just washed over me. As our exposure to marketing online increases via social networking channels, in particular Facebook, surely it’s worth considering the effect, if any the message is having. Are businesses engaging in this activity, experiencing any actual ROI?
If we step back in time, say 12 years ago, most of us should be able to remember the Internet was a much different place in terms of digital marketing and online advertising. Back then advertising such as banner advertisements and email marketing were pretty much all we were exposed to.
Lets, for a second, take a look at email marketing and how for many of us, our inboxes are being consumed by vast amounts of none relevant messages, which we aren’t remotely interested in. For me, and I’m sure for many, the sheer amount of junk mail received can be somewhat over whelming to say the least, so much so, we select and delete without even opening. So let’s look at long term relationship which businesses want with their clients. Are they really happening? Are the messages and advertisements simply washing over us? as they hit our inbox or display on screen. As marketers we are constantly searching and seeking out new ways to create channels in which to target consumers; but perhaps it’s a step back which is needed to really look at the message which we are sending to our customers, standing in their shoes and looking with their eyes.
Just as with our interactions offline we need to learn to forge and build relationships with our customers online for our campaigns to really be effective.
Building relationships with customers is the crucial and critical component which needs to be at the core of every campaign. This takes time, time to research and learn what your customer wants, listen first and find out.
Those brands, businesses that build relationships with their followers, fans or within their community are the ones who stand to benefit.
I come across way too many businesses that see Social Media & Digital Marketing as a quick fix towards marketing efforts. For most businesses there is no real gain in Social Media in the short term but those businesses that stick with it, build relationships and engage with their followers, fans or community online will see a real boost in their bottom line. As a businesses when a person likes your page engage with them as you would a real customer, take time to get to know them, listen to them and personalise your relationship. Following these steps should make the purchase pattern happen a lot easier as apposed to hitting them up with an offer or a discount as soon as they like your page.
Let’s be clear ‘Long Term Relationships built either offline or online equal Long Term Business & Returning Customers’.
Follow me on Twitter @waynedenner
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