UK Parents warned over Letter X Game

A new ‘game’ is rapidly becoming popular on Snapchat – ‘Letter X’
So how does the Letter X ‘game’ work?
• One child sends the letter ‘X’ to another child in their class.
• The child who received the ‘X’ chooses a classmate to target.
• Classmates join the chat to insult and send abusive messages to the chosen classmate.
RULES: There are no rules. Classmates compete to send the ‘best’ insult. Appearance, weight, personality – all are fair game.
The game is an imitation of adult ‘Roasts, of which celebrity Roasts are particularly popular in America. It’s obvious that even at best case, if this starts as a bit of friendly ‘banter’ insults could quickly become hurtful and abusive.
The chat is then posted anonymously for all the world to see – including the victim, on a Snapchat Story.
Remember, after this the child who’s been ‘X’ed has to face their classmates every day in school.
The game was first highlighted by Rachaele Hambleton, author of Part-Time Working Mummy, who has been raising awareness of this newest method of cyber-bullying. Rachaele first found out about Letter X when her daughter was asked to take part. Her daughter bravely refused.

Concerned parents have been coming forward on social media such as Facebook to warn about the trend sweeping classrooms across the UK and the Birmingham Mail, Metro, Mirror Online and others have picked the story up to warn families.
Parents it’s worth having the conversation with your children about Letter X. This is a game which, best case, can quickly get out of hand, and worst case is designed to cause hurt and harm. Getting involved in games like these online won’t be looked upon favourably at school and could cause real harm to a classmate.
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Posted By Wayne Denner
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